Tomorrow, Friday, August 12th, there will be no classes at the Russell Technology Center in Greenwood. Greenwood School District 50 has an in-service day tomorrow. Ninety-Six High School will not be sending students to the Technology Center for class tomorrow. Ninety-Six High students that have 1st block or double 1st and 2nd block classes at the Technology Center may arrive at Ninety-Six High School at the normal time after the 1st and 2nd block. Any student that has a 4th block or double 3rd and 4th block class at the technology center may leave at the normal time they would leave for the Technology Center class. Any student that has a 2nd block class or a 3rd block class at the technology center and returns to Ninety Six High School for class, will not be permitted to leave campus unless a parent or guardian comes to the school and signs that student out according to the Ninety Six School dismissal policy. Any student on campus during their normal class time at the Technology Center will go to the Media Center during that time.