I am the Culinary Arts Management Instructor at Ninety Six High School and I am enjoying my 27th year of teaching. I currently serve as the Career And Technical Education (CTE) department chairperson, and the Advisor for the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS).
I received my Bachelor of Science Degree and Master's Degree from Lander University. Prior to entering into education, I served as catering director with Epicure Management Services of Rock Hill, SC. and I owned and operated a family restaurant in Laurens, SC. My husband and I now have a small farm in Clinton, SC where we raise Black Angus cattle.
My passion is not just sharing content knowledge in the classroom, but teaching the skills that one needs in a culinary career. Energy, attention, and 100% effort are expected from my students daily.
I welcome the opportunity to meet each of you. Please feel free to contact me at 543-2911, and at a[email protected].

1st block - Planning 8:25-9:55
2nd block - Introduction to Culinary Arts Management
LUNCH 11:30-12:10 Lunch Duty 11:48-121:05 cafeteria/gym hallway
3rd block - Introduction to Culinary Arts Management 12:15-1:40
4th block - Culinary Arts Management 1 1:45-3:25
Spring Schedule 2025
1st block - Planning
2nd block -Introduction to Culinary Arts Management 10:05-11:30
3rd/4th block - Culinary Arts Management 2/3 12:10 -3:25