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My first name can be difficult, but it is pronounced like two letters X-N. Teaching is my third career, previously a secretary/administrative assistant and conference attendee manager. I graduated from Erskine College in 2020 with my undergrad degree, and Lander University in 2024 with my master's degree. I previously taught at Emerald High School: Foundations of Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Honors Algebra 1, CP Geometry, and Honors Geometry, as well as the sponsor of the Beta Club and Stock Market Game Club.
I was born in Miami, Florida, and graduated high school in Mesa, Arizona. Growing up we had dogs, cats, horses, and gerbils. My husband and I have two sons and a mixed lab dog named Charlie. Our oldest son is an auto mechanic and our youngest son is in high school. We currently live in Greenwood.
Tutoring by appointment on Wednesday and Thursday, after school.
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Xen McCoy
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Spring Schedule:
1st: CP Geometry
2nd: H Geometry
3rd: Planning
4th: Intermediate Algebra