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I am Samantha Ngo, a Ninety-Six High School Math Teacher.  I have been teaching in Ninety-Six for 8-plus years. I am a 2005 Ninety-Six High School graduate myself!! I graduated from Lander University with my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, and later with my Master's in Education with a concentration in Instructional Technology.  I am the 2023-2024 Greenwood District 52 Teacher of the Year. I love working where I grew up and hope to make a positive impact on the community. I take great pride in working at Ninety-Six and trying to make Ninety-Six High School a better place.


I have a beautiful family I love to travel with and spend lots of time with.  My husband, Chad, whom I love is an Engineer at Eaton.  I have two beautiful little girls, Sydney and MaKenna who attend Ninety-Six Schools. I am very involved at my church, and on Wednesday nights I love to work with our younger children.   


This year I am teaching Geometry CP, Geometry Honors, Algebra I CP, Algebra I Honors, and Algebra II CP. I like Algebra as it is the foundation of mathematics, however, I love teaching Geometry. Geometry has always been my favorite subject. If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

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Samantha Ngo
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Class Schedule Fall 2024:

1st Block - Planning

2nd Block - Algebra II CP

3rd Block - Algebra I CP

(2nd Lunch)

4th Block - Geometry Honors